Honours first year session 2010-2011 exam result will be published today 15 July, 2013 at 10 PM by National University. You can be check your result here after 10 PM.
The exam was held on October 2012 to November 2012.
Result>> http://nuadmission.info/result.php
Check your Honours First Year Result Via SMS:
NU<space>H1<space>roll no and sent to 16222
Nice post. Thanks from NUBD24
MD. KAFIL UDDIN BHUIYAN ;Result: P ;Marks: 1952-A§,1953-B ,1954-B+,1955-B§,6203-B+,6223-D .amer kon division?
Ami net thake 2005 ar degree result dkhte parbo? Kivabe???
Amr result kivabe pabo?
NU,where is the result?
Result ki hbe? Naki ghumabo…
10am to par hoa gece..
carmaichael college
We feel sorry to you, but really we have nothing to do. It’s all up to National University.
result koto tarik a diben?answe please?
opekker pohor ar kate na.
sir, when will be MA Part-1 result published. pls inform me, pls.
reslt na daua e valo
amr ar valo lagcana. 6 mas hy galo. Akono result paine. osman satkhira govt college. Dep: Geography and environmen. Kao result paile please janaen. 01929732906
The result will published soon. Don’t be frustrated.
1st year result kokho pabo?r koto din wait korte hobe?
result kobe hobe.ami thaklam akohn porjonto hoy nai.national university warker are vary solow