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HSC and Alim Result 2013 Bangladesh

HSC Result 2015

HSC, Alim and Equivalent result 2013 will be published soon under 10 Education Board of Bangladesh. The examination began most probably on 1st week of April, 2013. Around 9.30 lakh students of 7,556 educational institutions will be taken the test in 2,916 centers under 10 education boards, including madrasa and technical boards.

See HSC Result 2013 Below . . .

Go to the result page>>


To know your result through mobile phone, type your message option- HSC/Alim<> First three letters of Board name<>Roll no<>2013 and send to 16222 number

For example,

HSC<Space>Dha<Space>123456<Space>2013 send to 16222
Alim<Space>Mad<Space>123456<Space>2013 send to 16222
HSC<Space>Tec<Space>123456<Space>2013 send to 16222

Best wishes to all candidates!



HSC Result 2013

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