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HSC Result 2015

HSC Result 2015

HSC result 2015 will be published on August 09, 2015 

HSC, Alim, HSC Vocational and all equivalent results will be published on August 09, 2015. On this yeas, the HSC and equivalent exams took place at the in the month of April and also all the results will be announce at a same time. Overall 10 educational board  Dhaka board, Rajshahi board, Comilla board, Jessore board, Chittagong  board, Barisal  board, Sylhet  board, Dinajpur  board,  Technical Board and Madrassah Board will published the result at a time under the control of Ministry of Education.



HSC result through mobile SMS::

HSC[Space]First 3 Letters of Your Board[Space]Roll Number[Space]Passing Year and Send It to 16222.

Example: HSC DHA 103774 2015 and Send it to 16222

For Madrasah Board: Alim MAD 103774 2015 and Send it to 16222

For Technical Education Board: HSC TEC 103774 2015 and Send it to 16222


DHA = Dhaka Board, BAR = Barisal Board, SYL = Sylhet Board, COM = Comilla Board, CHI= Chittagong Board, RAJ = Rajshahi Board, JES = Jessore Board, DIN = Dinajpur Board, MAD = Madrasah Board, TEC = Technical Board


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