JSC/JDC(Junior School Certificate) Scholarship Result 2013 Bangladesh

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Download JSC/JDC(Junior School Certificate) Scholarship Result 2013 Bangladesh


Junior School Certificate(JSC) & Junior Dakhil School Certificate(JDSC) Scholarship result 2013 will be published soon by Bangladesh Education Board.  The Scholarship result will be selected by education board in final exam.


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92 thoughts on “JSC/JDC(Junior School Certificate) Scholarship Result 2013 Bangladesh

  1. Ami jsc te a+ peyeci under Barisal board. My roll is 190660. I’m waiting for scholarship result now…. So plz tell me when the result will be published? And email me when it will publish plz…..

  2. Where can we get the jsc result of 2012. the official website is showing result not found and when we will get jsc scholarship result of 2013. Plz, can u tell?

  3. When the jsc scholarship result will publis?I want to know the exact date publis the result.Please tell me the exact result date.

  4. This is really a direct and i think illegal question too but I want to know from where do you get all this answers? Are You directly or Indirectly engaged with educational board? I’m SORRY for asking this question.

    1. No. We are not related to any govt. official educational movement. We’re just collect all educational news and events to serve here for you.

  5. Is there any rule of getting scholarship on THANA basis?Actually in my PSC exam the marks that I got wasn’t able to give me scholarship, there was 7 marks less.But those who got less marks than me but attended exam from mirpur,Dhanmondi thana got scholarship.But I got more marks then them but i didnot get scholarship from Mohammadpur Thana.Does the same thing will happen this time?

    1. There have a certain quota for any scholarship for a upozilla or zone. This quota is being selected by Department of Primary Education.

  6. When jsc scholarship result will publis? I’m from dhaka board. Roll-185370.GPA-5.00.
    Please send me the result of scholarship on my email.

  7. The scholarship result of PSC 2013 has been already published. My question is- how (on which method) one has been meritted by giving scholarship. If through marks, then where is the marks? We also want to know how much mark did my child obtained in the Examination?

    1. Scholarship depends on marks. Directorate of Primary Education do not publish marks that student carried. They just select best obtained marks to select for scholarship. It’s can be 90+ per subject or something like that.

      I checked the page called “Primary Scholarship Nitimala” but, there have no documents :s – http://www.dpe.gov.bd/?page_id=242

      1. Does scholarship require marks of Optional subject like home science or agriculture?Or only marks of science, english and math?

          1. Ami Agriculture Mane Optional Subject e A Peyechi Kintu Baki Sobgula Te A+ Peyechi. Ami Ki Scholarship Pabo?

    1. Not sure when will published but when we’ll get result from Bangladesh Education Board, we will published it here asap.

  8. My cousin got A+ in 7 subject in JSC under dhaka board(roll 356751) but unfortunately failed in math which is unbelievable. i applied for scrutinize the result through teletalk number but cant any reply whether pass or fail. would u please tell me when I know about the result or exact date of re-scrutiny result publish?? its my urgency….thanks(minhaj sojib)

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