Junior School Certificate (JSC) and Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) exam result will be published on 30 December, 2014. Education minister Nurul Islam Nahid confirmed that on Sunday in a press conference. Secretary of primary and mass education ministry Kazi Akhtar Hossain has also confirmed this. The JSC & JDC exam was started on 7 November, 2014. […]
PSC Result 2014
Primary School Certificate (PSC) and Ebtadayee Exam result will be published on 30 December, 2014. Education minister Nurul Islam Nahid confirmed that on Sunday in a press conference. Secretary of primary and mass education ministry Kazi Akhtar Hossain has also confirmed this. The PSC & Ebtadayee exam was started on 30 November, 2014. PSC and Ebtadayee […]
Students will urge Vice Chancellor of DU for debate
Students who demonstrating for a second chance to admission test at Dhaka University will urge Vice Chancellor for a debate about their demand. If he do not agree, Vice-Chancellor’s Office would be surrounded on Sunday, they said. Protesting students announced that today afternoon in front of the sculpture Raju at University Teacher-Student Centre (TSC). One of […]
More 16 thousands primary teacher recruitment circular
Bangladesh government has been appointed more 16 thousands primary assistant teacher across the country except three hill districts. Ministry of Primary and Mass Education published this notice on the appointment of teachers on Wednesday. Interested candidates can apply through visiting(http://dpe.teletalk.com.bd and www.dpe.gov.bd) from 1 January to 13 December. And the application fee must be submitted […]
Diploma in Agriculture & Fisheries Result (Sep-Oct 2014)
Diploma in Agriculture & Fisheries result under BTEB has been published. The PDF result was uploaded on google drive. The result links are below. . . AGRICULTURE_4th_result AGRICULTURE_6th_result AGRICULTURE_8th_result FISHERIES_4th_result FISHERIES_6th_result Go to the main result page>> https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BynIJ2cATXt3Rlh0R2RlR3ZJMlU&usp=sharing
PSC & Ebtedayee Exams from Tomorrow
Primary School Certificate (PSC) and Ebtedayee examinations will begin from Sunday. Tomorrow the exams will start with the English test from 11am to 1:30pm. Total 2.7 million students will take part in PSC and 311,265 will for the Ebtedayee in this year. PSC schedule:
Diploma in Engg 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th & 8th semester final Exam Routine
Diploma in Engineering 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th & 8th semester final And 5th & 7th (2010 prob.) Exam Routine (Click to download.)
Pre-primary Assistant Teacher Result
The Directorate of Primary Education published the result of pre-primary assistant teacher result today. The selected candidate list are below Download
Diploma in Engineering Result 2014
Polytechnic Diploma in Engineering all semester final exam are ended on the last month under Bangladesh Technical Education Board BTEB. Generally, BTEB publish the result within 60 days from the ending of the exam. All you know minimum 100+ polytechnic institute is under this one board BTEB. So, It’s really so hard to publish all of […]
BANBEIS: Result of written test for Lab assistant
Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information & Statistics (BANBEIS) taken the written exam for the post ‘Lab Assistant’ on 31st October, 2014. Today they have published the selected candidates list and called them for viva. Download PDF NB. BANBEIS will not provide any further entry card for VIVA. You have to convey all of your original […]