waste safe conference 2015 speakers

Wastesafe 2015 International Conference in KUET on Monday

WasteSafe 2015 4th International Conference on Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries will start from tomorrow at Khulna University of Engineering & Technology(KUET). This 3 days conference will run until February 17, 2015. Tomorrow Monday the inauguration of conference will be held at 9am at BUET Hall Room. Khulna district Commissioner Mr. Khekh Harunur Rashid and Prof. Dr. […]

Bangladesh Army International University of Science & Technology (BAIUST)

Army University inaugurated at Comilla and Natore

Two new University named ‘Bangladesh Army International University of Science & Technology (BAIUST)’ inaugurated today at Comilla and Natore cantonment. Comilla Cantonment ‘Bangladesh Army International University of Science and Technology’ has been inaugurated yesterday. Saturday (14 February) Planning Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal inaugurated the university at comilla. On that time, some of Army officers was presented […]

SSC Ka set question paper

SSC Exam held on wrong set of question!

  Maybe you can’t believe but it’s happened yesterday in Chapainawabganj at Harimohan Government High School centre. The scheduled question set for Rajshahi board was ‘Kha’ but exams controllers were taken the question set of ‘Ka’ from the treasury office in the morning. The secretary of the centre Mr. Abdul Latif who is also the Headmaster […]

State University in bd

SUB Inter University Programming Contest 2015

Department of Computer Science and Engineering of State University of Bangladesh (SUB) organizes an inter-university programming. In thin five hours long competition, contestants will find out the programming solutions of specific real life problem. Total 94 team will participate in this contest. The Vice-Chancellor of SUB, Professor Dr. Iftekhar Gani Chowdhury will inaugurate the competition. […]

nu.gov.bd logo

National University Honors 3rd year result

National University Honors 3rd year result published. Honors 3rd year 2012 exam result under National University has been published today 7pm- Noticed by National University. Results will be found at National University website – http://nu.edu.bd/  or  http://www.nubd.info/   How to get National University result via SMS? To get your result through SMS, please follow the instraction […]

top private university in Bangladesh

Best Privet University for Pharmacy

We writing about best/highly choice privet university based on variety of subjects upon students request. In that series, We’ve wrote two earlier: Best Privet University for EEE in Bangladesh Ranking of top private university in Bangladesh Today we’ll give you a short list of best privet university for Pharmacy or B. Pharm education in Bangladesh. […]

Masters Admission

Notice regarding 1st merit list for masters preliminary (regular) admission

National University of Bangladesh published a Notice regarding 1st merit list for Masters Preliminary(regular) admission. Today evening, NU published that notice on their website.

jsc rescrutiny process

JSC & JDC Result: Re scrutiny Process

JSC and JDC exam results published just today. A huge amount of  student grabbed the highest GPA with a very high pass rate. But, some students did not secure their desired results. Those students are not happy with their result or expect better grade, Education Board are arranged re-scrutiny process in that case. Re-scrutiny process only for  Teletalk […]


Dip. in Engg and Marine Trade Exam (of 29 Dec 2014) postponed

29/12/2014 scheduled final exams of Diploma in Engineering(1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th) and Marine 2 years certificate course trade(1st, 2nd, 4th) are postponed due to an unavailable circumstance. Other exams will be held as per scheduled before. And the new exam date for tomorrows exam will announce later. Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam Mir, Controller of Examinations. Bangladesh […]