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Polytechnic Admission Result (1st & 2nd shift)

Polytechnic Admission Result

Polytechnic Diploma in Engineering Admission application are going on. Application process through online was started on May 30, 2016 and will be continued until 12 June, 2016.

If you didn’t apply yet, follow the instruction here and apply now before June 12, 2016.


[highlight]Polytechnic Admission result 2016 will be published on June 18 at 5PM.[/highlight]

Admission from merit list will be held from 19 June to 22 June and Admission from waiting list will be held from 25 June to 25 July.


The application for 1st shift and 2nd shift are taking in the same time and the result both of the shifts will be published in the same scheduled time.


Polytechnic Admission Result::

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