Here is a list of Top Ranking private university in Bangladesh. There is no ranking number, actually they are all Level-A university.
- North south university
- Ahasanullah university of science and technology
- Brac university
- Independent university Bangladesh
- American international university Bangladseh
- EastWest university
- United international university
- University of liberal arts Bangladesh
- The university of asia pacific
- Asian university for women
[The ranking system is depends on students choice, there have no official ranking]
Ami Asia passifiq a “pharmacy” te porte chai . Pharmacy er jonno ai univercity ta kamon ? R pharmacy er jonno kothay porle valo hoy ? Amar ssc te gpa 5 @ hsc te 4.10 . Please bolben.
Asia Pacific is doing well in Pharmacy. You can admit there.
Pharmacy er jonno EWU khub bhalo
BBA ar jnno BUBT kmn hbe??
Umm, Not bad but It’s level “c” University.
bro ami UIU te BBA te chance peyechi.Akhon ai tate BBA korle kemon hobe?Plz…plz… janan.
Not bad
I want to study at EEE in iub. Is it good for me……. Can i get better job after passing from iub…..
I’m not saying IUB is not good but AIUB and AUST is better for Engineering.
Ame Economics sub. neye porte chai. Tar jonno kon versity valo hobe. R valo versity te chance na pele konte te admit nete parbo. Pls,give me ans.pls.
Economics? Well, then go for IUB.
which university is good for CSE deffodil or uiu…pls
CSE? then go for Daffodil.
and which is best for CSE Defodil or UIU
ami UIU te CSE nea porchi bt pressure nte parchi na tai result khrap hocche… versity chng korte chacchi…
Kon versity vlo hbe CSE ar jnno ?
R job ar khetre versity name or result kivabe dkha hy…kno prob hbe..?
I would suggest AIUB or Daffodil for CSE. UAP is good but not for CSE, they are good for others subjects.
Don’t be tensed about job market. Carry a better CGPA, that will help you career.
ami uiu te chance paici c.s.e te chance paici..apni ki bolen che better kno kicu kora jay ki na?
UIU is one of the best privet University but the problem is their grading system. It’s more and more hard to get better CGPA at UIU.
can u explain why its hard to obtain gd cgpa in uiu??
Because of their grading system. UIU do not follow UGC grading system, they have own. At UIU, 55 is the minimum pass mark and 92 or 92+ is for “A”.
Let me tell everyone>>> EWU te CGPA tola beshi tough….pass mark 60 te….90+ e A …more than 50% students have CGPA less than 3……EWU is Best for BBA and MBA…..quality is very good…But you need to work hard to keep your CGPA over 3….and If you want a CGPA greater than 3.5…you need to study A LOT!!!!
Yea, EWU and UIU are maintaining the same grading system. And of course it’s too hard to carry better CGPA there.
you have given wrong information, correct is given below
0 F
55 D
58 D+
62 C-
66 C
70 C+
74 B-
78 B
82 B+
86 A-
90 A
I am currently at UIU in CSE, (1st semester) and I got accepted at NSU (CSE) should I go to NSU or stay at UIU?
BRAC kamon for CSE?
Umm, there is same pressure at UIU and NSU. But, there is more opportunity at NSU than UIU. Now Choice yours.
Ami ssc korechi science theke, Hsc Arts (Open versity) theke. Ame ki kono Private versity te addmit nite parbo. BBA/Bsc(ECO) a porte parbo. Tar jonno kon versity better hobe. Thanks
Have no idea. You are in a critical situation!
ami law a admission hote cai…..pls 3 ta law er jonno valo privet university er name bolben pls ………. jegulote admission hoyar jonno ami preparation nite pari….pls janaben
Brac should be first choice. Then Daffodil and southeast
ami daffodil university te Law a admission nite cai……Jani Brack law er jonno valo….but ami brac chara law er jonno ki daffodil e naki onno kono law er jonno valo privet university ase jate admission nete parbo ? pls janabe pls……
If you don’t want to go for Brac, then you can try Daffodil or SouthEast University. Remember, those are mid level versity.
ami BBA kortesi AIUB theka…amar cgpa 3.8 …. akhon kon subject ta nia major korbo confusion ar modde aci……..would u give me any suggestion ?
Umm, actually I’m Engineering background student. So, I don’t have enough knowledge about BBA. You should take advice from your advisor or senior student of your versity. That would be helpful for you.
at editor vaiah plz janaben… ami csc porte chai.. result double a+… which university i can admit.. dafordill or ewu.. and job er jonno versity or result which iz main fact!!!
You should try AUST first, then AIUB>EWU>Daffodil.
Actually, JOB sector mainly depends on your merit and challenging capacity rather than University or result.
ami deffodil a software engineering porte icchuk. Ata ki amar future ar jonno valo hobe. Please advice me!
Yea, Daffodil is good enough for CSE or information technology. But yet it is not top ranked versity.
what about daffodil international university. present situation it must take position into top 8.
Not really in “Top 10”, but it is also a good one.
I think you make this ranking with previous record. which is very old. try to know the latest update about this. 1-5 is correct without any doubt but 6-8 is totally false. Asian, ulab huh . what kind of varsity those are?
Dear, do you know about “Asian university for women”?? Please ask some people who are related to versity administrative level or something.
I want to admit my self at Southeast uni for MBA, is this good enought, because i can’t admited myself at NSU, EWU, BRAC
Yes, you can admit. I checked their UGC subjects approval list and found that, they got approval for BBA & MBA.
I am a student from units it a good university.will I be able to success in bcs exam?
BSC doesn’t depends on your versity, It’s depends on your qualification.
You should try top level versity.But there have minimum possibility to get chance at those uni with your educational background. If you do not get chance at above listed versity, try Daffodil then.
i want to get admission daffodil university..Is it a good university for law ?
You can but brac University is one of the best versity for LAW.
ami daffodil a MA(inEnglish) korte chai plz help me. where is better daffodil or other university. plz suggest me.
Daffodil would not be bad for MA in English. You can admit there.
BBA er jonno south east varsity ta kemon ?? Please answer me.
SouthEast got UGC approval for BBA. You can admit, thats actually your’s choice.
ami atish dipongkor university of science and technology university theke MBA korte chassi.eta ki valo hoile kon versity theke MBA korle valo hobe? janaben please.
Atish Dipankar isn’t good enough for qualityfull Education. Try another
ami aibr cmrc theke hsc pass korar por right dicisn nite parci na ki niye porbo…at this stage kisr demand ase nd future a shine kora jabe…nd which privt vrcty is betr 4 BBA…plz admin vaiya help meh…apnr opinion ta janan…ignor kore jaben na…ami onk prblem a asi…plz plz plz vaiya…
BBA? Well, then try at IUB and NSU.
You can try AUST,AIUB,NSU,UIU and EWU.
i want get admission in privet university.can i get addmission in aust.ssc 4.31 and hsc 5.subject cse,te,ict
You can try but there have no possibility to get chance!
Another thing, don’t forget to try AIUB if you really wants to study CSE.
ami Daffodil a Law a asi…..amar CGP a 3.50 er upor….but ami maje maje confused hoa jai j a Varsity theke Law complete korar por kono valo jaygay jete parbo keni….?,,,,pls amar ans ta diben…..
It’s depends on your quality, not University. Better suggestion for you- Don’t think about your future, try to do best what you are doing now.
ahsanaullah university theke mba korle ki valo hobe? bcz ít is known for best private engineerin univershty…
so mba ta ki highlight hobe?
pls admin , give ur opinion
Ahsanullah best for Engineering but not for business studies. You better go for NSU or IUB. (This is from my point of view)
i think AUST will be better 4 u if u want 2 learn
Ami ssc te 5 nd hscte 4.5 peyesi.ekhon engeenearing prte chassi.ami ki kno vabei ahsanullahte prte parbo na,tahole 5-6lakhs takar moddhe dhanmondi,bashundhara i mean ajimpurer kasakasi kn versityte prte parbo,plz help me,,
Your desired subject?
Business study theke HSC pass kore , Science er kono subject a ke private university ta honours kora jay .
Kon varsity thaka CGPA tola tolonamolok kothin?
Jara UGC er grading rule follow kore, sei versity te CGPA tola sohoj. But jara UGC er rule follow na kore 55 a pass mark dey and 90+ e “A” grade day tader khetre CGPA tola besh kothin.
……EWU,BRAC,AIUB,NSU,IUB,IUBAT…………only ai 6 ta university 60%pass and 90+ aaa A grade….and ai gulo taa CGPA tula onk hard
You maybe forget about UIU to mention.
I like to know the Ranking of World University of Bangladesh
Why EWU is in 6th?? We see lots of private and multinational company placed EWu after NSU .Is not it the fair judgement ? then why we will consider Students choice ? Actually EWU best for BBA, Economics, Statistics , Pharmacy It also relatively good for some engineering department…..
THank you
I wanna know about ranking of IUBAT&it’s education level.Could u help me?
…IUBAT… is too much hard than other private university ……and grading system is very hard… BUT education quality is very good….
Are you sure IUBAT is good enough for CSE?
If you want to compare with AIUB, then not.
b graded university kon gula? r tejgaon college e ki cse valo hobe?
I know that bubt ranking
I like to know the Ranking of Green University of Bangladesh
You know, this ranking system is depends on students choice. Actually there have no official ranking. And Green University is a new varsity, so it’s impossible to give a exact rank of Green University.
But, It’s sure that, Green University is not in on top 20 University.
My budget for BA in ENGLISH is under 3 lac. I found ASA and BUBT , which one will be better for that. or suggest me any other university under my condition. Thanks in advance.
ASA would be better than BUBT. Also you can think about Southeast University. They cost around 3.5 lacks
sir, my cousim 97 ssc pass, family some prob he cant regural complete study.last year he complete Hsc Bm technical college.. he is a upset coz which one subject n university chooses
pls advice what I can suggest my cousin..he trying continue study.
Umm, None of all privet university are taking study gap. In that case, you have to contact some B Level university whether they are allow or not.
And subject? It’s up to him, Choice his.
few universities are there which might allow study gap. its all about money. if u spend money why won’t they allow your cousin to admit in their university. just go and talk to them but they must not be the top ranked universities like nsu or iub or ewu or brac or uiu. other might allow him. subject should not be a engineering related as he had long break in his study. bba or english or law or some other arts related subject might be better for him.
Amr bon 2015 te hsc diyecy..then Medical a admission niyecilo…last 1year onk sick thakar karon a taky study charte hoy…ekhn she cse te admission nite chache..tar ei gap er jnnk ki kno prb hbe bsc te?
No, it should not be a problem.
Then You can go for AIUB at Banani. AIUB is the good enough for CSE. But the problem is, Banani isn’t so near from your place. :s
If you really wants to admit near Dhanmondi, then think about UIU or Daffodil.
pharmacy subject ar jonno kota valo hobe
Brac and East West would be good.
BUBT versity ta kamon?pls help me…
For which subject?
Bba er jonno???
Will publish regarding this.
I like to know the Ranking of University of South Asia
University of South Asia is under level-C universities
Ahsan ulla kon dik diye 2nd oi halarput????Nijera ranking koros nijeder varsity upore tuila rakhos chorer dol
Don’t show your level by using this type of words! It may fall you university position as well!
See the last line of the post. It’s clearly showing: [The ranking system is depends on students choice, there have no official ranking]