Here is a list of Top Ranking private university in Bangladesh. There is no ranking number, actually they are all Level-A university.
- North south university
- Ahasanullah university of science and technology
- Brac university
- Independent university Bangladesh
- American international university Bangladseh
- EastWest university
- United international university
- University of liberal arts Bangladesh
- The university of asia pacific
- Asian university for women
[The ranking system is depends on students choice, there have no official ranking]
vai UODA kamon hobe?
UODA isn’t too good or too bad. You know, UODA do not charged tuition fees from student. They just take some fees in every month. Actually UODA runs under a educational organization.
amaka koek jon bolece.. Cost r tulonae quality besh valo bola cole.. graduate ra motamoti valo position e ache.. Hostel + tution + food milia monthly 10,000 holei naki BBA pora jabe
Yea, that’s true.
vaia education loan kivabe pabo and kon bank dai.. plz janaban
Dutch Bangla bank offer scholarship for poor and meritorious students. You can contact with them.
Also Eastern Bank, ific Bank and Trust Bank offer Education Loan. You may contact with them also.
Bhaia, can i appear to take B.c.s exam after completing b.b.a or any other degrees from private university. have u any reference about that plz show me.
You can apply for BCS after completing MBA/Masters/MSC. Doesn’t matter if you complete your education from privet university.
Vaia, Amr ssc te Sc.-3.38/hsc te Arts-2.9 Ame Jodi LLB kori kon UV & jodi economics a pori kon UV te Admit nete Parbo. LLB korar por ki barrister kora jai na,LLM kore korte hoy? BD te Kora jai?
You can try at SouthEast University, Stamford University or University of Development Alternative(UODA) if you wants to study LLB. There have several more versity for LLB, but I suggest those according to your result.
Yes, You can study Barrister level after completing your LLB. But, You have to go out of this country for that. I don’t know any institute who are offering Barrister course.
Asa university llb er jonno kmn hobe.Aita kon level er university..
Not a very good ranked university. Try BRAC, It’s best for LLB
Vai, commerce background theke ki “Bachelor of Architecture” pora jay ???
Probably No
tnx,,,asia pacific e civil e cost koto???ssc 5,,hsc 4.40
Civil Engineering(CE) || (4 year) || (4 x 2) = 8 Semesters || 08 x 62,000/- = 4,96,000/- (Regular)
25% waiver for students with individual GPA 4.50 in SSC and HSC will be offered. But, You have to maintain a minimum CGPA in individual semesters.
For more details>>
vai amr questn er ans dan plz
Is University of Asia Pacific good for regular MBA?
Please notice me brother.
Not bad. But If you have any option to study in UIU or Ulab, then I would suggest them.
vai,,,1,machanical engr er sector ki ki bangladesh e????job field kmn??oneke bole machanical engr valo na,,,,,2.,iubat er machanical valo hbe nake asia pacific er civil valo hbe,,,plz details ans diben
There have a big job sector in Bangladesh of Mechanical Engineering. If you look at, you will understand how valuable is this subject.
I don’t wanna compare Mechanical Engineering with Civil Engineering. Those are very different subject with different job sectors. But, I can only say, Civil Engineering at Asia Pacific also good.
Sorry to say, You are a too much confused guy! Remember, If you really wants to be a good engineer, then you have to make your decision own and very quick.
i am study in IUBAT as a BBA (marketing management ) student . my question is sometimes i am very much confused that this university is level good or bad please you inform me. and how much value n job oppurtunity in job market for Marketing management sub
You are studying a good versity and also a good subject. So, don’t worry about your future. Prepare yourself 🙂
Assalamulikum Vaiya
Ami International Islamic University Chittagong(IIUC)
ar Depatment of Pharmacy ta B.Pharm Portasi.Now,Amr prosno IIUC ar Pharmacy jonno Job market/university ta kamon demand
Don’t think what will be happened or what are waiting for you. Try to do your best what you are doing.
Listen, You are studying a good university. So, make yourself properly.
Vai kom cost(around 300,000/=) e cse korte chaile kon university valo hobe?
Mid level versitys cost around 4-5Lakhs. I do not found any who are offering CSE in that amount.
Vai amr vatija BUFT te SUB : AMT te porte chay….kmn hobe aktu bolben
It’s not BUFT, It’s BIFT(BGMEA Institute of Fashion & Technology).
Well, I think garments sector in Bangladesh is good enough and have too much job opportunity. So, AMT(Apparel Manufacture & Technology) may have a bright future.
dear brother, if u don,t mind i want to say that do u know BIFT is now BUFT ( BGMEA university of fashion and technology)…….it,s since one year ago that BGMEA is under UGC approved n it,s one of the privet university of bangladesh
Vaia,Amr ssc Science & hsc Arts theke.LLB/Economics er moddhe kon subject a porle Valo hobe. Ame bojte otte parchi na kon subject neye porbo. Pls suggest me.
umm, both are good enough actually.
However, If you are thinking to get a barrister degree after LLB, then its ok. Otherwise, I would suggest Economics
vaia,bba r jonno ahsanulla kamon,pls vai janan
Ahsanullah is mainly an Engineering versity. I don not suggest AUST for BBA. You better try at NSU,IUB or EWU
thanks via for ur suggesition
Ami ACCA porta chai but i dont known where ACCA university and how much montly cost.
Any kind of ACCA related question, Please contact at bims >> . You can contact over Phone before visiting bims office.
IUBAT ar place koto ….and daffodil university valo or IUBAT
For CSE, Daffodil would be better than IUBAT otherwise NO.
vai kon university valo $ IUBAT or Asia pasific university
Asia Pacific has placed in top ten ranked versity
I am A student of Degree. Ami ki valo job Pabo.
That’s depends on your quality. If you can prove yourself at job market then you will get a better job.
Remember, no one can get a better job without prove him/her.
Bro, Ami arts group r student, total gpa: 9+ . BBA korte cacci.. Student hisebe above average. Dhanmondi area ta kon uni ta best hobe. UIU-ULAB-UAP-UODA-STAMFOR-DAFFODIL
I don’t know those versity are allow arts background students or not. Please contact with admission department to discuss about that.
But I can say, UIU and Ulab is best among them.
UIU -> South East ->ULAB, Arts background r above average(GPA: 4.5+) student r jonno, BBA konta ta valo hobe..
Dhanmondi ta konta best hobe
UIU’s educational system is too much tough. So, think first. I would suggest ULab or AsiaPacific
Thank You very much. ULAB VS AsiaPacific konta better hobe.. kontar future growth nd brand value valo
Ulab & Asia Pacific both are top ten versity. But Ulab is growing fast and doing well. So, choice yours.
Thanks for ur advice.
Ami science background student and finished HSC in 2012 and ami ACCA porte chai. BBA korar pore ACCA korle bhalo hobe na akoni shuru korbo after completing HDA.
Which one is good ?
Is ACCA more harder for science student?
Nothing is Hard! As a science background student, you may complete BBA first. That would be better for you.
Ami UIU a BBA te chance paici.UIU ki bba ar jorno onek bhalo. Vaiya reply diyen.
which is the best for BBA?cost kamon hoba.
Around 4500/= per credit
AMT (apperal manufacture&tecnology) te BGMEA er por kon tar ranking ase.plz akto joldi me.
Sorry, No idea :s
ami bba porta cai kon university ta porla valo hoba.amar ssc 3.75 hsc 3.50
Try at UIU
kamon koros hoba?pls janaban?
Total Cost: Tk. 5,99,500 (Per Credit Fee Tk. 4500/-) Without Tuition Fee Waive
for engineering. A level ranking…1,2,5,7
for BBA And MBA. A level ranking
for engineering B level ranking 9,10,11,12
for BBA and MBA B level ranking 8,10,11,13
I want to get admission into International Islami University Chittagong (IIUC) for Regular MBA.
Is it better for MBA?
Or University of Asia Pacific or Daffodil.
IIUC is good one, you can admit there without any confusion.
Is iub better for bba then ewu?
Probably IUB is better than EWU specially for BBB.