Re-Scrutiny process for HSC Examination result 2013 will be start from august 4, 2013
**Applications for HSC Re-Scrutiny can be submitted only from Taletalk Prepaid Mobile Phone.
To apply, go to your phone’s message options and type “RSC<space>first three word of board name<space>Roll No<Space>Subject Code” and send to 16222
E.g. RSC<>space>DHA<space>12345<space>123 and send to 16222
RSC<>space>Mad<space>12345<space>123 and send to 16222
RSC<>space>Tec<space>12345<space>123 and send to 16222
For every subject and Every Paper tk 150 will be charged from your Mobile Phone.
In reply, how much application money will be charged and a PIN number will be given you through SMS for confirmation. If you agree to give tk 150, go to message option and type “RSC<space>YES<space>PIN number<space>Contact number” and send to 16222
E.g. RSC<space>YES<space>123456<space>01710000000” and send to 16222
Those subject has two papers (e.g. Bangla and English) application will be under the one subject code. For Bangla 101 and English 107 the application fee will be charged tk300
NB. You can apply for more than one subject in a SMS, subject codes will be divided by comma(,)
4th August rate apply koresi..
Re- examiny er result kobe dibe?
How many days/weeks.
Plz janaben,
You will notified through your mobile phone.
vai ek sim theke koyta roll number er jonno sms pathano jay?
Apnar je koyta issa pathate parben
Chemistry 1st & 2nd part recheck korar jonno ki 176,177 code duita likte hobe?
Yes, you have to write both code
Ami 4th August rate apply koresi..
Re- examiny er result kobe dibe?
How many days/weeks.
Plz janaben,
September er first week ae or 6th september.
assa vai khata ki ami dekte parbo?
No, you only get result again through your mobile phone
August 14 projonto rscrutiny meyad chilo.but akhon to september amader result kobe pabu? Please bolen!
vai khata challenge korle ki kono mark katbe jodi mark na bare.
No, if your mark does not increase then your result will be same as before.
LIKE 178,179
Yes, you have to write individual code in one message.
Shodumatro Chemistry rescrutiny korte chemistry 1st & 2nd paper er code 176 & 177
2ta comma diye likte hobe?
Janaben pls?
If I chalenge result and it may be decrease, WHAT HAPPEN ?decerase grade ?
You will get decrease grade. But not happened like that actually.
1 subjecter jonno ki 2 bar rechecking abedon kora jabe?
Korle ki kono shomossa hobe?
No, you can apply one time for one subject
how to broad challenge and see my hsc exam papers
subject code 229 ……. plz akto bolen ????
Follow the above instructions
ami amar khata dakta chay ki korta hole plz akto bolben ?
subject code 229 ……. plz akto bolen
2 subject(4 paper). charge 600 takar sathe kono vat lagbe ki?
ami jodi che 1st and 2nd paper e rescrutiny korte chai tahole ki sudhu 1st paper er code likhe pathaley hobe nake both paper code likhe pathate hobe.pls janan
Both paper code
jodi one subject a (chemestry fail code 176) recheck korle total koto lagbe (including vat)?
Rescrunity teletalk sim dia korle pore er result kobe dibe!
Not announced yet. You will be notified on your phone number when re-scrutiny result published.
Chemistry 1st & 2nd paper er re-scrunity er jonno total koto taka katbe?
300 taka lagbe
150/= + 150/=
vai sub code to dui pepar mile computar,accounting.ami jodi ai dui sub re-scruty kori tahole sub code result a ja ase ta dile ki hobe.plz tel me son
You have to write 1st paper and 2nd paper both code
is there any way to change the result
Amra ekon re-scrunity er jonno je abedon kortesi egulor folafol kokon hate pabo?
Janaben pls?
I want to know that how much money will be charge for physics and math? those subject consist tow papers. Kindly reply me…….
For each paper you will be charged tk 150/= And You have pay tk 600/= for two subjects with two paper. Just write down your subject code like this- “111,222,333,444″- separated by comma(,)
hsc te to sokol subject er 2ta kore paper ace. Ami bangla te A grade ebong chemistry te F paichi. Uvoy subject er reexamine korte chai. Koto taka lagbe. Code soho niyom ta likhe din
“RSCfirst three word of board name Roll No Subject Code” and send to 16222. In “Subject code area, use your desire codes.Like- “111,222,333,444”. And you will be charged tk 150/= each and 600/= for four.
Chemistry 1st & 2nd part er jonno ki amar 300 taka kore alada alada 600 taka lagbe naki?
Challange korar somoy Chemistry 1st & 2nd part er code 176 & 177 2itai comma diye type korte hobe naki?
Janale kusi hobo.
Yes, use comma(,) between two subject code. No, you will be charged tk 150 for each and tk 300 for two
Vai jodi dui subject e challange korte chai tahole 300 taka lagbe naki 600 taka????? Pls janaben..biology r english er jonno application korle kivabee korte hobe pls bolen.
Charge will be tk 300 for those subject has two papers. Follow the above instructions carefully, everything I mentioned here.
whats the processing way of the re-security system
first i send the sms nd then what ??
Follow the above instructions.
Ami ki 3ti bisoy ek sms a application krte parbo
You can apply for all of your subjects.
Teletalk sim j kono phone tule ,ei kaj gulo kora jabe? Urgently janan please.
Yes. Just use Taletalk sim.
If Those subject has two papers (physics,biology) application will be under the one subject code ? please janaben……….
Yes. read it carefully and follow the steps.
how to learn more?
Re- examiny er result kobe dibe?
Plz janaben,
You will get your result on your mobile phone soon.
apnara j cont number neacen oita amadar ki help hobey? Er amra ei result ta kobey pabo?
E.g. RSCYES12345601710000000” and send to 16222 ei stepe ka ami je sim use kori sei number dibu
Yes, your contact number
internet er maddhome dextop theke kivabe result re-examine kora jay aktu bolben ki?
Re-Scrutiny process is only for teletalk mobile phone. There have no way by online.