Henry Rider Haggard's free bangla books

Download Sir Henry Rider Haggard’s free Bangla ebooks

Sir Henry Rider Haggard, was an English writer of adventure novels set in exotic locations, predominantly Africa, and a founder of the Lost World literary genre. He was also involved in agricultural reform around the British Empire – more> Wikipedia All “Henry Rider Haggard’s” eBook Collections are translated in Banlga.   Most Popular Books by Sir […]

Masud rana book

Download Masud Rana Series Books

All you know, Masud Rana is a fictional character created in 1966 by Qazi Anwar Hussain. Here is a list of Masud Rana series e-book collection and Download link.   Masud Rana- Arche Cyclone Masud Rana- Bagher Khacha Masud Rana- Beduin Konna Masud Rana- Bideshi Guptochor-1 Masud Rana- Bideshi Guptochor- 2 Masud Rana- Kalo Naksha Masud Rana- Bondi Rana Masud Rana- Double Agent Masud […]