All you know, Himu is most popular character created by Sir Humayun Ahmed. Himu’s real name is Himalaya and he is a young man whose age may be between 25 to 35. I’m not interested to explain more about Himu because I think he is familiar to you all. Well, here I’m shearing most popular Himu series among all. […]
Tag: free bangla books download
Download Sir Henry Rider Haggard’s free Bangla ebooks
Sir Henry Rider Haggard, was an English writer of adventure novels set in exotic locations, predominantly Africa, and a founder of the Lost World literary genre. He was also involved in agricultural reform around the British Empire – more> Wikipedia All “Henry Rider Haggard’s” eBook Collections are translated in Banlga. Most Popular Books by Sir […]
Download Masud Rana Series Books
All you know, Masud Rana is a fictional character created in 1966 by Qazi Anwar Hussain. Here is a list of Masud Rana series e-book collection and Download link. Masud Rana- Arche Cyclone Masud Rana- Bagher Khacha Masud Rana- Beduin Konna Masud Rana- Bideshi Guptochor-1 Masud Rana- Bideshi Guptochor- 2 Masud Rana- Kalo Naksha Masud Rana- Bondi Rana Masud Rana- Double Agent Masud […]