National University Honours 2nd year exam 2014 result has been published today. Result is available on national university result portal- To know your result through SMS, type NU<space>H2<space>Roll and send it to 16222
Tag: nubd result
National University Honors 3rd year result
National University Honors 3rd year result published. Honors 3rd year 2012 exam result under National University has been published today 7pm- Noticed by National University. Results will be found at National University website – or How to get National University result via SMS? To get your result through SMS, please follow the instraction […]
National University Admission Result 2014-15
Update: National University Admission test result published Go to >> Some people says National University admission result 2014-2015 will publish today and Some are said not today, will publish it in the very first week of January, 2015. But the fact is, National University didn’t confirmed us yet about the result. So, no one […]