PSC Exam result 2014

DPE – PSC Result 2015

PSC and Ebtedayee Exam result 2015 under Directorate of Primary Education (DPE)  will be published on 30 December, 2015. PSC and Ebtedayee exam was taken from November 22, 2015 and ended on  November 29, 2015.   DPE has been planned to publish PSC and Ebtedayee exam result on 30 December, 2015 if there is no any other problem […]

PSC & Ebtedayee Exams from Tomorrow

Primary School Certificate (PSC) and Ebtedayee examinations will begin from Sunday. Tomorrow the exams will start with the English test from 11am to 1:30pm. Total 2.7 million students will take part in PSC and 311,265 will for the Ebtedayee in this year. PSC schedule: