Llisted colleges below are the top colleges in Dhaka. This rank are based on HSC result 2013. Top 20 College under Dhaka Board Based on HSC 2013. List of best college under Dhaka board. The following list of best college in Dhaka. Rajuk Uttara Model College Abdul Quader Mollah City college- Narsingdi Viqarunnisa School & College […]
Tag: Viqarunnisa School & College
Top 10 College under Dhaka Board Based on HSC 2012
Top 10 College under Dhaka Board Based on HSC 2012. List of best college under Dhaka board. The following list of best college in Dhaka. Rajuk Uttara Model College Abdul Quader Molla School and College in Mymensingh Mymensingh Girl’s Cadet College Viqarunnisa School & College Notre Dam College Residential Model College Mirzapur Cadet College […]