The question can be arise that who is the best for IELTS coaching? Well here you will find your answer.
Say me first, do you really wants to learn something? What’s your current English level based on Speaking,Writing and listening?You are willing to take part in IELTS exam, so that I can assume that you are not in primary level. right?
Well, now the point is what actually teach IELTS coaching centers? Well, No coaching center will tech you English. They just make prepare yourself to face the IELTS test exam. They tech you how to face the exam board, nothing much more!
British Council and Saint Johns are most experienced in that field. You know British Council is also take the IELTS exam also. But that is a different section and there have no relation between coaching and exam section.
So, don’t think otherwise. Go for British Council or ST. JOHNs. They will help you with an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam properly and also they will provide you with the training and skills necessary to get a good score in the IELTS test.
British Council Offered
IELTS courses orient you to the examination, arm you with useful tips and strategies, give you practice in IELTS-type reading, writing, listening and speaking tasks, and offer feedback about which areas of your language you need to work on. Courses available at both Intermediate and Upper Intermediate level, and now we even have a new pre-IELTS course for those at a lower level who want to start preparing in advance.
The courses will start on Friday 8 August or Saturday 9 August and end on Friday 26 September or Saturday 27 September.
These courses are 32 hours: we’ve lengthened the duration of the courses on customer request! They meet once a week for two back-to-back lessons; 2 hours of class, then a break of 30 minutes, and then another 2 hours of class, for a total of 16 lessons in 8 weeks.
The available times are morning 8.30 am to 1.00 pm or afternoon 2.30 to 7.00 pm (4.30 to 9.00 pm on Sat in Uttara TC only).
The course costs Taka 16500.
For more, Please visit-
ST. JOHN’S Offered
- First two months : 3 classes per week, 26 classes in total, 2 hours per class
- Then 100 hours (5½ weeks) of Intensive Crash Programmer. 13 full length mock tests with explanations
- Briefing on Writing, Reading, Listening and Speaking Modules
- Extra care for weaker students
- Excellent environment and location
- Extra facilities for female students
- Morning, afternoon and evening batches
- Course materials are provided
- Crash programmer will be offered to the students until their target score is achieved
What is the full meaning of st???
St. John’s === Saint John’s
have any short ielts course in st john’s?
No. They only offer a 3 month (12 week) course minimum.
Is there any batch for weekend for IELTS preparation?
Yes. British council offer weekend batch. Please visit your nearest B.Council branch
How I can learn to write & spoke in Grammatical English. Which one book I will follow for English learning and which technique or method I will maintain? Please let me know which institute is the best one for written & spoken in Grammatical English course for weak students.
British council also offer other intermediate english courses beside IELTS, you can take a course from there.
I want to admit. whats the procedure ???
Go and visit there.
Dear Sir:
I am waiting for your valuable reply. Please let me know which institute is the best one for spoken English course for weak students.
Sorry for late. I replied your last comment
Dear Sir:
Would you please suggest best spoken English training center for weaker students.
Go for British Council, they will take a test from you before taking admission. And you will get a section according to your test result. They actually make Week to week and strong to strong student section. So, no worry
Hello there,
I was a student of ST few years back but their problem is, they don’t teach anything. They just take exams and checked copies. They do not teach any lessons or technique.
Am I right?
You are the first one who complained that!
how much will take for the 6.5 score as a medium student ?
thank you
Depends on you condition and practice. Work hard and keep patients.
I admitted st John’s in 1st June 2015
I complete my hsc last few days ago .But now I m in frustration. Can st John’s carefully prepare me for ielts exam ?
And the materials all in English. How can I practice in home ?
Don’t get frustrated. Keep believing yourself.
Follow the instruction from teacher and do more practice, and learn hard. You will do your best, I hope.
Tell your teachers that you are a Bangla Medium student. so the teacher should explain everything in simple Bangla and English.
I am writing to u regarding the matter of IELTS exam. Would you please let me know who can provide me this course by one month. I have only 28 days for this course rather then I’ll loose my job, even a good teacher can teach me privately. Would you please give me your advise and send me a good teacher’s mobile number so that I can easily contact with him/her. If anyone provide 5/6 days teaching in a week and 4/5 hours in a day so that it helps me to complete the course by one month, I don’t mind if it is helpful for me.
Kind regards
Need to know Why are you wan’t to give IELTS exam? You said that It’s required to your job but It’s not clear how?
Is you really need to pass IELTS exam or to learn English communication?
If you need to communicate in English, then why IELTS? Go for any other English course and practice more and more.
Sorry, We don’t suggest any specific teacher. You have to find it yourself. thank you.
I did a IETLS crash course in Saifur’s back in 2011 and after 3 years later, in December 2014 I gave the IETLS test. When I registered for the exam, I knew I had to study but since I am extremely lazy, I couldn’t take the necessary preparation and I did pretty bad in the exam. I ended up with 6.5. I needed at least 7 for applying in the desired university. So I am looking forward to give that test again but this time, with a bit more preparation. The problem i found in the coaching centers is that, they are extremely commercialized and they explain everything in Bangla. The pronunciation of the fellow students are not standard as well. We learn more when we listen to proper english. I watch a lot english tv series, I watch those for my own amusement, not for learning english, but watching english movies and series again and again, have had an impact on my mind. I love to learn the english in subconscious mind. And I am very careful about the pronunciation. And also I don’t like British Pronunciation but IELTS is based on british pronunciation and I have no choice but to hear it.
I stay in moghbazar and St.Johnson is in Lalmatia. I am not pretty sure whether it would be an idea decision to travel out this long distance for unknown amount of quality of coaching.
P.S. I have finished my undergrad from NSU recently and I have some sort of free time now, really don’t know for how much long but I want to capitalize this time with experiencing quality english and also want to invest my time for a good score. Please suggest me should I look for a coaching center and if I so, which one will be worth for it?
You wrote around 300 word here, without any doubt I must say, your English(Writing) is smarter than me.
I suggest you to study yourself, talk your self or a mate. You already got 6.5 in first time try. I can ensure that, if you study a little more, you will get more than your expectation. You don’t need any coaching centre, I guess. So, don’t waste your money and time in traffic jam.
But If you really like to, you can choice B.Council. Their main branch is at Fuller Road. It’s near to you, maybe.
have any ielts center in mymensing?
No idea ma’am.
(1) ST. JOHNs is too far for me, cause i live in jurain near postogola, & they have no brunches.
(2) For British Council my budget will be crossed.
So, I’m choosing Mentors for Ielts…. what do u think?….pls advise me…
If you don’t have option, then go there. Hope, you will do best
What about ‘Wings Learning Center’ ???????? As far as I know they follow Australian curriculum. Will it be good to admit there?
Wishing to have a feedback from you as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance.
Australian Curriculum for IELTS? Seriously? :/
Don’t get panicked, go for British Council or ST. JOHNs if you wanna learn something.
i m calling st jhon’s office but anyone receive my call
Best idea to visit St. Johns and British Council both, and select one after that.
hello i want to doing ielts but i m confused which academi is best plz tell me i want to go australia now what i do? i m week in english,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,plz tell me saifurs or st jhon;s or british council,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Choice ST. JOHNs or British Council if you wanna learn something.
Hello, I am running in BBA .I want to IELTS preparation, registration from British Council ,What is the duration & total cost will be expense British Council in Uttara centre.
IELTS preparation course cost 16,500tk and it will take only 3 months.
Hello…i am weak in spoken and written in English. i need a proper guidance to be the best or fluent in spoken and written in English. please tell me from where and how can i get rid of that? My choices are st. johns and British council. but around 16000 how can i manage this? is there necessary to me doing IELTS for recovering these weakness or only spoken and written course is needed separately? Please inform me..
First of all, in IELTS course, no one will tech you spoken or writing or anything. It’s just a practice course to get better score in the exam, nothing else.
You can do ‘General English’ or ‘Spoken English’ course from B.Council.
For more, Please visit:
Hello, I want to do the IELTS course with my wife at your institution on Friday only. Can it be done? If so, can i pay the fess in 3 month installment. That would be great for us.
Fazle Rabbee
Saint Josh and British Council both are not allowing instalment. So, you have no option here.
And yes, they have friday classes for Job holders.
How much will be cost British Councils for IELTS? and where is this???
Around 17,000/=
Where is the St Johns? Can anyone tell me the address?
5/4,Block-D, LAlMATIA
PHONE: 9118893, 9136938
Mobile: 01733718287
What is about liakat coaching which is give ensuring 7+ band. But i still confused.i need a good suggestion.
Ensuring 7+? That’s just a marketing policy, nothing else.
My IELTS score 5.5. I need 7 overall. can you help me which center is better for me?
Try at British Council or ST. JOHNs. They are good enough
What about Liakats?
What? Didn’t heard the name yet!
hi bor, i wamn to admitted to ST johns but i don’t know how to start ILTS course, because i am very poor in English. i hope to carry score 7 but how please inform me
In IELTS course, no one will tech you English. They will just tech you how to get a better score. If you think you are poor in basic English, then take any Pre-IELTS course. That will helpful for you
Hi there
I’ve got 2 cousin brothers. They are in class 7. They want to do spoken course complied with English grammar. Could you please suggest for them a institute in Dhaka.
ST. Johns will be better for them, I guess.
please give me phone number. I want to khonw details about ielts . I will admit for ielts at st. johns
My phone number? Oh sorry dear! You can mail me using contact form in the top of menu.
I want to attend only IELTS mock test. Does St john provide this kind of facilities?
Yes, ST. JOHNs has this kind of facilities but maybe that service only for their student. I’m not sure, you may contact with them.
Hello There!! I at first want to know what’s the difference between TOEFL and ielts . Which countries are each of them valid. Also, where can I gets TOEFL preparation coachings. Thank you.
TOEFL do not accept all countries where IELTS is acceptable. That’s the fact.
Saint Johns is also offer TOEFL.