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Where can I study Media & Journalism in Bangladesh?

Media and Journalism study in bd

The Department of Journalism and Media Studies is under the School of Arts and Humanities combines all the elements of a good Arts degree with a marketable, career- orientated specialism. It runs a 4-year Bachelor of Journalism and Media Studies.

In Bangladesh, Many of students are interested to study on this subject. But only few university are running this subject.


Lets see the list of Public and Privet universities for Media Communication and Journalism.

Public University:

Privet University:



Those who wants to study a Diploma course of Journalism, Press institute of Bangladesh offered a 10-month comprehensive Post Graduate Diploma Course in Journalism. For more, You can contact with them directly.

Press Institute of Bangladesh (PIB)
3 Circuit House Road, Dhaka-1000

PABX : 9330081-84
Fax     : 880-2-8317458
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