Degree Pass Result 2013 logo

National University noticed that Degre Pass and certificate exam-2011 result will be published today after 8:00 PM. Students can check their result at  and after 8Pm.


Also you can check Degree Pass result here:

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You can also check the result by Mobile:

Type: nu<space>deg<space>Roll No  and send to 16222

Please let us know if you face any problem to get your result. or complain directly to National University information cell. Details are below.


National University information cell

Telephone: 9291059

Fax: 9291050

Mobile: 01762685410


104 thoughts on “Degree Pass Result 2013

  1. I’m a irregular student. It is the last session of 07-08 in 3year management group. Can i give improvement next time if necessary?

  2. I want to know the lowest pass mark in bbs honours 07-08 session managenent group. If it is below lowest mark, will it be counted fail?

  3. Hi i want my 1st and 2 nd year marksheet please…first year roll no 549599
    Second year roll no 1756940 please let me know asap thank you.

  4. i want to se my degree 2md year examp results mark sheet .. please email me . my rollnumber : 1250153

    please send it as soon

  5. i can’t see my degree pass 2nd year result ;withheld’ .what can i do know.roll-1544468

    1. You should contact to National University as soon as possible. You can contact personally or via your collage registration office.

    1. Student’s Name: USHAY.HAYNG.MARMA
      Roll No.: 1773256
      Registration No.: 7706057
      Session: 2007-08
      Course: B.B.S Student Type: Regular
      Total Marks: 0 Result: Fail
      Subject Code Subject Title Total Marks Marks Obtained

      105 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) 100 033
      161 ECONOMICS I 100 023
      162 ECONOMICS II 100 025
      163 ECONOMICS III 100 020
      270 ECONOMICS IV 100 035
      176 ACCOUNTING I 100 033
      177 ACCOUNTING II 100 033
      178 ACCOUNTING III 100 027
      276 ACCOUNTING IV 100 023
      203 MANAGEMENT I 100 027
      204 MANAGEMENT II 100 033
      205 MANAGEMENT III 100 025
      277 MANAGEMENT IV 100 033

          1. I want to know my degree pass results 2013 with marksheet 3rd year 2013.Roll number :2806453

    1. Unfortunately, National University result database down where from we got results. That will be resolved soon. Sorry for inconvenience

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