Honours 1st year (Part-1-Session: 2011-12) Examination form fill up 2012-2013

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Bangladesh National University announced about Honours Part-1(1st year- Session: 2011-12) Examination date. The form fill up of Bangladesh National University nubd.eduexamination will begin from March 03,2013.

National University said, Honours 1st year Session: 2011-12 regular Examination of 2012 form fill up is going to begin from March 03,2013 to March 14,2013. The Students can fill their form during this time.


Form Fill-up Notice for 1st Year Honours Examination-2012


For more information Please visit- http://www.nubd.info/ or  http://www.nubd.info/

51 thoughts on “Honours 1st year (Part-1-Session: 2011-12) Examination form fill up 2012-2013

  1. how can i fill hon’s 1st year 2011-2012 form fill up notice,,please give me the correct link..

  2. amer session 2010-11.ami prothomber exam day ni last year porikkha dileo not-promotted eseche…..ami eibar exam dite parbo kina???r ata ki pass course hoye jabe????

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